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BRAVE / PRAXIS: Journeys
This Article Is About Mountains In Texas

Everything is bigger in Texas, right? Well, not when it comes to mountains apparently. Out of the tallest 200 mountains in the entire 50 states, Texas doesn’t even come close to breaking the list. Well, you say, don’t include Alaska,...


Posted by Greg Ryden, AIA
Texas College & University Facilities (T-CUF) Conference 2012

Fernando Brave, FAIA and I headed down to South Padre Island last Wednesday to attend the Texas College & University Facilities (TCUF) Conference. The conference committee members did a great job putting this one together, which lasted until...


Posted by Brandi Johnson

Houston :: From Above

5 April 2012, 20:30

Houston aerial

Our resident pilot, Frank Vargas, has once again taken to the skies and was able to provide us with these great aerial photographs of Houston and its surrounding areas..


Posted by Peter Ho

Barkitecture 2011: Part 2

10 January 2012, 15:30

Barkitecture 2011: Part 2

With both houses completed, we were anxious to see them at the big show, Barkitecture 2011. The event was a hit and from what we could see, there were a lot of designs took more of an “architectural”...


Posted by Peter Ho

Barkitecture 2011: Part 1

4 January 2012, 19:59

Barkitecture 2011: Part 1

Things have been picking up at the office as of late. From submitting qualifications for new projects to working around tight deadlines, all in the midst of the holiday season, we’ve neglected to share a few of the extracurricular activities...


Posted by Peter Ho

Houston, No Place Like Home

10 August 2010, 16:12

Houston, No Place Like Home

For the past 5 years, Houston has been my home. Unfortunately, I dove straight into school and missed out on many of the city’s attractions. Even when my family came to visit, we couldn’t quite make the time to experience...


Posted by Angela Martinez
Journeys ::: Swiss Alp Dance Hall

On a lone stretch of Highway 77 between Schulenburg and La Grange, in an assuming wood and corrugated metal building, is one of Texas’s greatest and still operating dance halls. On a whim, my wife and I loaded up...


Posted by Greg Ryden, AIA
Frank & Bryant take flight from Ellington Field

On Sunday, a day with fantastic weather and the visibility incredible, Bryant and I went flying. We were able to see all of downtown Houston and Galleria from Galveston Bay. We took off from Ellington Field to the east and...


Posted by Frank Vargas, AIA

From NYC to Portland, ME

22 March 2010, 15:38

From NYC to Portland, ME

About a week ago, I embarked on a crazy journey in and around the New England coast line. I went from New York City to Boston and then to Portland, Maine. The three and a half days spent in New...


Posted by Angela Martinez

Journeys ::: Sengelmann Hall

11 March 2010, 20:17

Journeys ::: Sengelmann Hall

I love Texas dance halls. I’ve been going to Texas dance halls since before I was old enough to drive. This weekend on a drive back from Gonzales, I had the opportunity to stop in and visit Sengelmann Hall in...


Posted by Greg Ryden, AIA | Comment [1]