Audio ::: Noisettes
2 August 2010, 17:37
One of the reasons that I have came to like this band is because of the way that I discovered them. I was at CVS picking up some Nyquil for my impending cold when over the incessant steady beeping of the check out and the whining of a child in the toy aisle, I hear the music coming over the intercom. This was odd because like elevator music I never pay much attention to atmospheric noise, but this was a lot different than your typical Kenny G. It had a sort of classic R&B/Rock sound, something you might hear on a Diana Ross album, if Diana Ross were into Indie Rock. Well, thanks to the infinite power of my iPhone and its endless number of applications I was able to ID this little piece of ambient gold. It was “Never Forget You” by Noisettes.
This UK born band is a rising star in the indie rock scene and their second album Wild Young Hearts has a fantastically eclectic sound. Noisettes first album, What’s the Time Mr. Wolf?, peeked my interest also because of its mostly punk sound. However, I am very happy that my first impression has come from their hotter more disco-pop second album. Thank you Mister CVS DJ.
Band photo and album cover images via the band’s official site

#1 · Angela Martinez
2 08 2010 - 20:02Andrew great review! I definitely want to check to them out now. Kudos!