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BRAVE / PRAXIS: Tree-Hugger Factoids

Tree-Hugger Factoid #38

18 August 2011, 13:03

In a lifetime, the average American will throw away 600 times his/her adult weight in garbage. If you add it up, this means that a 150-lb. adult will leave a legacy of 90,000 lbs of trash for his/her children.


Posted by Julia Schafer

Tree-Hugger Factoid #37

1 July 2011, 15:46

From 1906 to 2000, areas of Houston inside the Beltway have subsided 6 to 10 feet, with the most pronounced in areas along the Houston ship channel


Posted by Greg Ryden, AIA

Tree-Hugger Factoid #36

1 June 2011, 19:31

Children can identify up to 1000 corporate logos but fewer than 10 plants or animals native to their backyards.


Posted by Alp Bozkurt

Tree-Hugger Factoid #35

14 April 2011, 21:02

$1 out of every $11 Americans spend for food goes for packaging.


Posted by Julia Schafer

Tree-Hugger Factoid #34

28 March 2011, 20:46

In 1865, an estimated 10,000 hogs roamed New York City, eating garbage. Now, one of every six U.S. trucks is a garbage truck.


Posted by Julia Schafer

Tree-Hugger Factoid #33

2 March 2011, 14:25

A single 1-MW turbine displaces 1,800 tons of carbon dioxide, the primary global warming pollutant, each year equivalent to planting a square mile of forest, based on the current average U.S. utility fuel mix.


Posted by Andrew Turner, AIA

Tree-Hugger Factoid #32

16 February 2011, 14:21

Countless bolts of unused textile fabric end up in landfills each year. Furniture factories and upholsters discard the Customers Own Material upon completion of their furniture. Many are high quality designer fabrics. Utilize existing sources of fabric before resorting to consuming more reaw materials. Check out and EBay for excess COM fabric for sale


Posted by Julia Schafer

Tree-Hugger Factoid #31

2 February 2011, 14:19

Chairs are the most common piece of furniture thrown away.  The US EPA reported that furniture accounted for 9 million tons, or 4 percent, of our waste stream in 2005.  Revive it with new fabric or if you need to get rid of it, recycle it through reuse. Give or sell your own furniture to others.


Posted by Julia Schafer | Comment [1]

Tree-Hugger Factoid #30

19 January 2011, 14:49

In 2007 a group of federal scientists projected that if greenhouse gas emissions continued to rise as projected, only one-third of the world's 22,000 polar bears might be left by 2050, and all of them could be gone by the end of the century


Posted by Andrew Turner, AIA

Tree-Hugger Factoid #29

22 September 2010, 15:27

The energy saved from recycling one glass bottle will operate a 100-watt light bulb for four hours. from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


Posted by Angela Martinez