26 May 2015, 14:21
Sometimes the best way to focus is to allow a little noise into your ears. Read below to find out how B/A staff use their headphones to plug-in and focus.
Rick De La Cruz
Wears: “Bose. Apple. or Sol Republic. Depending on the level of focus required.”
Listens to: “Mostly podcasts. Sometimes music. And when the work requires I use the Noisli app for ambient sounds.”
Headphones & music when: “Revit! Sketching. Submittal review. Anything that requires full attention and quiet.”
Peter Ho
Wears: “Apple Earpods with remote.”
Listens to: “I listen to everything. If I am not listening to my own playlists, I will browse the Spotify “Mood” playlists.
Headphones & work when: “I use headphones throughout the day. I usually listen on my left ear only in order to stay connected to the office. On occasion, I will use both earbuds to zone out and completely focus on the task at hand. I also find myself wearing headphones without any music playing. A false sense of focus is better than no focus. “
Christian Sheridan
Wears: “Apple. Is this considered generic nowadays?”
Listens to: “Sometimes music. Sometimes books.”
Headphones & work when: “Total heads down work. When locking myself in the conference room isn’t enough…then I put in the earbuds.”
Natasha Dunn
Wears: “Bose.”
Listens to: “Depends on what I am doing, i.e. Sheet layout and annotation – NPR Designing – Odesza, Alt J”
Headphones & work when: “Either monotonous, but necessary tasks or focused design”